Steph Ting


I’m Steph. I’m an orthodontist and photographer living in San Francisco. Welcome to my blog!

First Year, Second Trimester

First Year, Second Trimester

The start of second trimester in dental school has been wonderfully exhausting. Between a full day (8-5) of preclinical courses on Tuesday and Wednesday, problem-based learning (PBL) on Monday and Friday, and ethics on Thursday, we've had a really busy week. The worse part is that we are exhausted yet we've only been back at school for one week. 

This trimester, there seems to be a greater emphasis on developing our hand skills and clinical skills. We are spending a lot more time on preclinical courses - 2 hour lectures and 6 hours of sim lab every Tuesday and Wednesday. We completed a set of maxillary anterior wax-ups for our morphology class during our first week back from vacation. 

Dental School Anterior Waxup

Today, we spent six hours in sim lab drawing posterior teeth in preparation for next week. We are starting posterior wax-ups in morphology next week!

Dental School Tooth Morphology Drawing

We also started Class II composite preparations in our restorative dentistry class yesterday. I hope that composite turns out to be as fun as the upper classmen have hyped it to be!

Gratuitous "First Live Patient" Photo

Gratuitous "First Live Patient" Photo

